Appreciating Noh

On March 26th, there was a historic site festival in a small town near the western edge of Kagawa Prefecture.

Due to the rainy weather, the festival venue was changed to the town gymnasium, but many people visited.

At the venue, there were exhibitions and sales of pottery and a papier-mâché tiger painting experience.


On stage, there was a performance of Japanese drums, a performance by the world's best whistle player, and more.


The finale of the festival was a Noh performance. Everyone seemed to be looking forward to it.

The program is "Makura Jido (枕慈童)". Shite is still a young Noh actor.


A powerful Noh performance was performed with Goninbayashi in the background.



If the weather was good, the festival was supposed to be held outdoors.
The location is Munekichi Tile Kiln Historical Park (宗吉瓦窯跡史跡公園).


It is a place where the remains of old tile production kilns remain, and is a famous spot for weeping cherry blossoms.

After the festival, when I went to the park, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and it was beautiful.





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