Ise Grand Shrine Naiku

Ise Jingu is not a single shrine, but a collective name for 125 shrines and shrines, centered on Kodai Jingu (inner shrine) and Toyouke Daijingu (outer shrine), and is officially called ``Jingu''.
The Imperial Shrine, which enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, the guardian deity of the Japanese people, is called Naiku. The Toyouke Daijingu Shrine, which enshrines Toyouke Daimyojin, who is in charge of Amaterasu's meals and protects various industries such as clothing, food, and shelter, is called Geku.

Naiku was established around 2,000 years ago on the banks of the Isuzu River, and consists of the main shrine, ten annex shrines, and numerous shrines.

When visiting the shrine, start from the Geku(外宮).
Click here to read Geku's blog.

・Uji Bridge

Ujibashi is the gateway to Naiku. Once you cross the Uji Bridge and follow the long gravel-paved approach, you will find yourself in a sacred area.

・Isuzu River Mitaraiba

There is also a chozuya nearby, but it is customary to cleanse your hands here.


Cleanse your hands and mouth.
≪How to wash your hands≫
① First, pour clean water into a ladle with your right hand and cleanse your left hand.
② Switch the ladle to your left hand and cleanse your right hand in the same way.
③ Hold the ladle again in your right hand, pour some water into the palm of your left hand, and rinse your mouth. (Do not touch the ladle directly.)
④Finally, stand the ladle upright, clean the handle of the ladle with the remaining water, and then place it face down in its original position.


・Goshogu (御正宮)

The main shrine is an area where photography is not allowed. You can only take photos from the bottom of the stone steps in front of the main shrine.

≪How to pray≫
①Go to the shrine and correct your posture.
② Bow deeply twice
③ Place your hands together at chest height and move your right fingertips slightly downward.
④ Clap twice
⑤Take another deep bow
・Aramatsurimiya (荒祭宮)

Arasai-gu Shrine is the first annex shrine, which is the most prestigious of the inner shrines.


・Kazahinomiya (風日祈宮)

Kazahinomiya is dedicated to the god of the wind, who is said to have caused the divine wind to blow during the Mongolian invasion. 

・Kagura hall (神楽殿)

At the Kagura-den, "Okagura'' accompanied by music and dance will be performed. If you would like to pray, you can apply here. 

・Mishinomikura (御稲御倉神)

Nuibo rice(抜穂) harvested from Kanda is placed and offered to the shrine as a large meal during the festival.

・Okage Yokocho

Okage Yokocho is located in the middle of Ise Jingu Naiku Monzencho and is made up of approximately 50 stores, condensing the charm of this area such as long-established tastes, specialty products, history, customs, and humanity.

・Special products of Ise City

Upper left...Akafuku ice
Top right...Ise udon with Matsuzaka beef
Bottom left...Ise lobster and abalone in a bucket
Bottom right... persimmon leaf sushi

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