Interview with a Kagura Mask Master - Part 1

The wooden masks sold at our store are made by Mr. Miyata, who has been a craftsman for 45 years.
I interviewed him about his life as a Kagura mask maker, his commitments, and the future of Kagura.

M:Mr. Miyata

I:When do you feel rewarded in this job?

M:Rewarding? Well, I have no other job.


M:I find it rewarding to do this.

I:It's a job that makes people happy. And it's a job that doesn't have a retirement age.

M:Yes, it is a job that can be done forever.

I:Yes, if you are healthy.

M:It's good because there is a lot of indoor work.
Well, rough carving etc. need to be done outside.
Rough carving and sandpapering work is done outside.
As for the outside, there was a vacant lot around here, right?
So we polish the mask with sandpaper.


I:Oh, that big place. I see.

M:Of course, I can't do it in this neighborhood or in my room. Because the dust will rise.

I:I see. ...this area is a good environment...

M:Yes, the environment is good. I'm working on sandpaper there.

I:All of the work processes seemed difficult, but what is the most nerve-wracking of them all?

M:The brass eye. That is the most nerve-wracking part.

I:Yes, as I thought. Do you have any wishes or thoughts about the future of kagura?

M:Well, there are not many successors. There are people who dance kagura. But even if there are people who dance kagura, there is no one to carve masks.

I:I heard you have a young apprentice.

M:The picture of the apprentice is there. The apprentice is a young girl, and she was supposed to come yesterday, but she didn't.
In addition, there are two other people.
Then there is also a female teacher from a junior high school who came to learn how to make masks. She's been coming for about two years now.
There is also a woman who comes from quite a distance. She has been coming for a long time.

I:Ah, then there are those who might be able to succeed you.

M:As a successor, I can't do it now, but if I learn long enough, I can become one.

I:It's pretty difficult if they can't keep going.

M:Yes. It takes time, you know.

I:You are concerned about the lack of successors to the mask-making process.


The second half of the interview will be introduced next time.

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