Takachiho Night Kagura

Takachiho in Miyazaki Prefecture is home to one of Japan's leading kagura villages.
Takachiho is home to 800-year-old Chichibu cedar trees and other large trees, creating a mysterious and solemn atmosphere. It is also famous as a power spot.


Kaguraden at Takachiho Shrine

The kagura performed in Takachiho is called "Takachiho Kagura", and night kagura is held for one hour every night from 20:00 at the Kagura Hall of Takachiho Shrine.

During the night Kagura, dancers from each village take turns offering Kagura dances to the shrine.
We can appreciate it by making a reservation.

There are 33 performances of Takachiho's yokagura, out of which 4 representative performances have been released.

(1) Dance of Tajikarao
He is a powerful god who was called to bring out Amaterasu Omikami who hid in Amanoiwato because he was angry with Susano-no-mikoto  for his evil deeds.
The dance expresses the state of quietly listening to sounds and thinking in an attempt to find Amanoiwato.
In another kagura, it is also called Tajikarao-no-mikoto.



(2) Dance of Uzume
Since Amanoiwato has been found, Uzume dances amusingly in front of Amanoiwato in order to lure out Amaterasu Omikami.



(3) Dance to open Amanoiwato
Amaterasu Omikami is interested in Uzume's dance, and the moment she opens Amanoiwato a little, Tajikarao opens Amanoiwato at once.
The audience applauded him.


(4) Goshintai dance
It is the dance of Izanagi and Izanami, the two gods who gave birth to the country. It represents a harmonious couple by making sake, drinking it, and embracing each other.



 The place where the Takachiho Yokagura is performed.

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