Japan's Aegean Sea, Ushimado

I went sightseeing in early summer to Ushimado, which is said to be the Aegean Sea of Japan.

● Japan's No. 1 Dakashi sales floor
I stopped by the store that I wanted to visit once, "Japan's No. 1 Dakashi sales floor".

Located in Osafune-cho, Setouchi City, it has a large warehouse-like space with a wide variety of cheap sweets.
You can buy one piece or a box, and small children enjoy it like a fair.
For adults, the nostalgic sweets are lined up, and it seems that they will be immersed in memories.

●Conger eel dishes


In Okayama, which faces the Seto Inland Sea, there are many restaurants serving conger eel dishes.
I ate conger eel bowl for lunch at the tempura specialty store "Kaede".

● Ushimado Olive Garden
Ushimado Olive Orchard grows about 2,000 adult trees on a 10ha site. It is well-ventilated and located on a sunny hill, and below you can see the beautiful scenery of Ushimado, which is also called the Aegean Sea of Japan.


On the way to the olive garden, there is a popular gelato shop "COPiO".

If you don't want to wait in line to order, gelato in a cup is also sold at the tourist information center "Setouchi Kirarikan" in front of the Maejima ferry terminal.
There are also outdoor table seats.



●Shiomachi Karakoto Street
Shiomachi Karakoto Street is a streetscape that retains many vestiges from the Edo period to around 1955, when it prospered as a port town.



●Honrenji Temple
Honrenji Temple is located in Shiomachi Karakoto Street.
During the Edo period, Korean envoys visited the port, stayed at this temple, and received hospitality from the Okayama clan.
The main hall, banjin-do hall, and middle gate are designated as national important cultural properties, and the three-storied pagoda and Soshi-do hall are designated as prefectural important cultural properties.



●Producer's direct sales store
On the way to Ushimado, you will come across a shop where producers sell fruits.
In late June, there were watermelons named "Red Comet", Perle melons, and corn.



●Submerged Pension Village
There are many pensions in Ushimado.
Along the way, you will encounter shocking landscapes.
Submerged pension buildings are lined up.
It seems that the pension village was built on a land that required regular drainage, and it is in such a state because it is no longer drained due to the closure of the business.
It looks like a negative heritage landscape.



Ushimado beach



●Outdoor experience at a pension
In Ushimado, in addition to old-fashioned pensions, there are modern lodging facilities that incorporate glamping and saunas.

We chose the pension Kuroshiomaru, which has an outdoor space where you can experience BBQ and bonfire.
You can bring your own food and rent equipment. You can buy firewood and charcoal.

It's a good opportunity to have a BBQ in your own garden, as it can be difficult to do.

We made baked scallops, baked apples and paella.


The pension also does goat grazing and beekeeping.


In summer, there seems to be an experience plan where you can ride a canoe.


● Oyster Town, Hinase
About 20 kilometers east of Ushimado is Hinase, a town famous for its oyster production.
Scallop shells are used for farming.
I saw many scallop shells drying along the road to Hinase.


This is an oyster processing plant behind Gomi no Ichi. It was the off-season and it was a Sunday, so there were only two workers.


If you want to eat oysters, this is the town to visit in winter.

We ate lunch at the nearby Ryokan Miharu.You can enjoy seafood dishes without oysters.



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